Guidelines for Submitting Authored Works
PM World Today is a leading online Project Management eJournal with a worldwide distribution. PM World Today is published on a monthly basis by PMForum.org and includes Interviews, Viewpoints, Case Studies, Featured Papers, Research Papers, Student Papers, PM Tips & Techniques, and timely news articles of interest to project management professionals worldwide. Submissions of articles and papers of high quality related to professional project management are welcomed for consideration.
General Rules
Viewpoint articles should be limited to between 5-10 paragraphs, or max of 1,500 words. One page is approximately 500 words, so a viewpoints article will normally be two pages or less. Case Studies Case Studies should be limited to between 10-35 paragraphs, or max of 5,000 words, with 2-4 graphics or images included. Featured Papers Featured Papers should be seriously researched and produced professional papers, similar to what might be presented at a professional conference or symposium. Papers should generally be limited to 5-7 pages, 30 paragraphs, or max of 5,000 words. Featured Papers are expected to qualify for 15 professional development units (PDUs) for PMP recertification by the Project Management Institute (PMI®), according to category 2B on page 6 in PMI's Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program Handbook. Therefore, Featured Paper submittals will be reviewed with such quality criteria in mind. Featured Papers may include up to 5 charts, tables, graphics or images. Research Papers Research Papers may also qualify for 15 PDUs and should be of a professional or academic quality. Research Papers should be limited to 50 paragraphs, or approximately 5,000 words. Student Papers Student Papers should be limited to between 10-35 paragraphs, or max of 5,000 words. Along with the author photo (JPG) and short bio, please provide the name of the sponsoring professor, and name and address of the school or university. PM Tips and Techniques PM Tips and Techniques articles should be limited to between 5-10 paragraphs, or max of 1,000 words. Interviews Interviews should include photos of those being interviewed, and a copy of the written permission/release of the interviewee for the interview to be published in PM World Today. Summary While specific categories have their limitations in length, basic principles to authoring apply to all submissions as outlined in the introduction. After publication, author bios will be showcased on the Contributing Authors section of the PMWT Team page on the website. We look forward to receiving your professional contributions to PM World Today.
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