Volume IX - Issue VIII - August 2007


PM Profession News


First IPMA Golf Cup in Krakow Deemed Great Success!

Report provided by Marta Maciołek, Sponsorships & Exhibitions Manager, 21st IPMA World Congress Team in Krakow, Poland

The news concerning the IPMA Open Golf Cup preceding the IPMA World Congress on Project Management in Krakow, Poland this month is all positive. The international tournament for project managers included golfers from all over the world. Players from South Africa, Germany, Finland and even Australia came to compete at one of the most beautiful golf courses in Europe, the Krakow Valley Golf & Country Club.

However, it cannot be certain if they had come to Poland tempted by this prestigious event or by the opportunity to taste chocolate directly from the fountain…? This unusual delicacy, provided by Carrywater Consulting (www.carrywater.pl), one of the tournament sponsors, sweetened golfers’ efforts at the game.

The tournament prizes were provided by partners of the “IPMA Open”: Microsoft (www.microsoft.com), Murator Publishing House (http://www.wydawnictwo.murator.pl/index_eng.html), Polimex Mostostal (http://www.polimex-mostostal.pl/index.php?kat=1&lang=en), Multifarb (www.multifarb.pl), NTB Wellness Technik (http://www.wellnesstechnik.pl), and Transsystem (www.transsystem.com.pl/english/).

The IPMA Open Golf Cup brought the triumphant victory to Jakub Podolec from Cracow. Not only did he win the open classification, but he also won the competition of the low handicap players. Moreover, he appeared to be the number one in the longest drive competition. At the seventh hole, where the contest took place, Jakub hit the ball over 260 meters. This result was rewarded by Wojciech Woziwodzki, the president of Carrywater Consulting, who presented to the winner a basket of exquisite drinks.

Ladies didn’t lag behind. The best lady golf player was Eeva - Liisa Haukka from Finland, for whom awards were provided by Polimex Mostostal. The winner of the category of handicap 24.1-36 was Bogusława Twardzik, who finished ahead of lots of men. Among prizes for this achievement was subscription of “Good Interior” from Murator Publishing House.

Both in the golf and in management, strategy plays a significant role. Golf round reminds project managers’ of the demands of the jobs. Golf games depend on the strategy, techniques and decision making. A golf round is divided into stages over 18 holes, like projects are divided into milestones. The game is always uniquely dependent on weather, conditions, partners and decisions made at each stroke. As in management, any wrong decision once made has its consequences in the final result.

Golf is one of the most recognized forms of compensating relaxation for the daily stress of project managers. It is a natural and wonderful training for project managers, as well as a test of their resistance to risk and temptation, functioning under stress and conditions of tiredness. On the other hand it also fulfills a natural need for ethical behaviour and good relations with other people.

In its attitude, PM is similar to golf in its philosophy of strategic games, which is seen by its results as an effect of equal planning, as well as precise decision making made by concrete individual, unrepeated conditions.

The best Project Manager Award of the IPMA Open Golf Cup came to Matti Haukka from Finland, who was rewarded with a Microsoft professional manager’s kit. Well equipped, he could attend the most prestigious and most important event in the field of project management worldwide in the present day – 21 IPMA World Congress (www.ipma2007.com), just inaugurated with the golf tournament.

The IPMA Open Golf Cup was the first of the cycle of tournaments under patronage of International Project Management Association (www.ipma.ch), a worldwide gathering of several thousand professionals from over 50 countries specializing in the field of project management.

See you next year.

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APM Project Management 2007 Awards Ceremony &
Banquet to be Held October 30 in London - Nominations Invited

Reported by PMF correspondent Miles Shepherd in London, UK

The Association for Project Management (APM), the main project management professional society in the United Kingdom (UK) has announced that its 2007 project management awards ceremony will be held on 30th October 2007 at The Brewery in London.

Call for Entries

For the past 14 years the APM Project Management Awards have been rewarding and celebrating project management success from the Eden Project to record breaking round the world voyages. The awards reflect the invaluable contribution project management and project managers make in all sections of society. Now you have the opportunity to join the honoured list of past winners and collect one of our exclusive trophies, you can do this by entering the 2007 APM Project Management Awards. The finalists and winners attract national publicity for the next year and many benefit from a career boost as a result, both at business and at individual level.

Continuing the trend of recent years this will be the biggest APM event to date, combining the awards dinner with the national APM Project Management Conference.

All winners and runners-up receive a wealth of prizes and publicity. The categories for 2007 are:

  • Sir Monty Finniston Award
  • Programme of the Year - Sponsored by Program Framework
  • Project of the Year - Sponsored by Siemens
  • Project Manager of the Year - Sponsored by Corporate Project Solutions
  • Young Project Manager of the Year - Sponsored by PMProfessional Learning
  • Project Management Company of the Year - Sponsored by ESI International
  • Overseas Project of the Year - Sponsored by The Projects Group plc
  • Community Project of the Year
  • Herbert Walton Award - Sponsored by BAE Systems
  • Brian Willis Award - Sponsored by BAE Systems
  • Geoffrey Trimble Award - Sponsored by BAE Systems

(Last years’ award winners are shown in the photo.)

For stage 1 of this year's awards, judges are looking for a short overview of the project. Entries for this stage are expected to be some four sides of single spaced A4 plus any supporting images or diagrams. Full details on how to enter can be found at www.apm.org.uk/howtoenter.asp

Book your place at the event now

For your opportunity to join the celebrations at the presentation dinner you can use the form contained in the APM conference 'Invitation to Contribute' document, which can be downloaded fromwww.apm.org.uk/conference.asp. There are also additional discounts for tables of ten or twelve. For further details about the awards, please contact

The Association for Project Management (APM) is the UK’s national body for professional project management. With over 15,000 individual and 390 corporate members throughout the UK and abroad, APM is one of the largest organizations of its kind in Europe. The organization develops and promotes project management across all sectors of industry and beyond. APM's published mission is: "To develop and promote the professional disciplines of project and programme management for the public benefit." At the heart of APM is the APM Body of Knowledge; containing fifty-two knowledge areas required to manage any successful project. APM promotes the use of the APM Body of Knowledge through qualifications, accredited training, research, publications and events. APM is the UK member of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). With headquarters in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, APM has twelve regional branches throughout the UK and one in Hong Kong. Additional information can be found at www.apm.org.uk


New Project Management Mediterranean Network (MEDNET) Announced by IPMA

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) has announced the formation of a Mediterranean Network (MEDNET) dedicated to project management and focused on issues relevant to the Mediterranean Basin. Only recently announced, MEDNET was officially created in March 2007 at the initiative of PM Associations in Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. It is fully supported by the IPMA Council of Delegates and Executive Board. Its activities are included in the IPMA Biennial Plan.

Its primary objective is to contribute to the development of the project management profession in the Mediterranean Basin through exchanges of experiences and information, creation of national associations and certification bodies, regional conferences, networking and business contacts facilitation.

Some more specific objectives include the following:

  • To strengthen the exchange of experiences between the existing IPMA Member Associations in the development of their activities at the service of the profession and of the public.
  • To foster the creation of PM-dedicated professional associations and Certification Bodies in Mediterranean Basin countries where there are none.
  • To facilitate exchange of certification assessors as well as cooperation between the Certification Bodies for answering the needs of global organisations active in the area.
  • To promote research and exchange of experiences on PM issues specific to the Mediterranean Basin issues.
  • To support regular regional PM conferences in the area.
  • To facilitate networking and business contacts for PM professionals active in the area.
  • To organise training sessions on PM for the Mediterranean Basin PM population.

According to IPMA leaders, there are now a number of new PM associations in the inquiry or formation stages in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, so the interest in professional project management in this are is expected to grow rapidly. With the support and involvement of older and more established local PM societies and leaders, the new MEDNET initiative is expected to help the PM profession grow in those countries.

A first MEDNET meeting is now being organised and will be held in Portugal at the Lisbon Marriott Hotel on September 13th (from 18.00) and 14th on the theme “Developing PM competences in the Mediterranean Region”, with the following agenda: Needs identification, development proposals, Mediterranean University network, professional associations contribution, Rome 2008 congress. This meeting is particularly relevant for people from all economic sectors, governments and universities who are interested in the development of project management in the Mediterranean Region with the resulting networking and business opportunities.

All inquiries should be directed to Gilles Caupin, IPMA Mediterranean Network Secretary General, at .


Founded in 1967 and registered in Switzerland, the International Project Management Association (IPMA) is the world’s oldest project management professional organization. IPMA is an international network of national PM societies that serve the specific development needs of each country in its national language. IPMA provides an umbrella organization to represent them at the international level. IPMA is a global organization with over 40 national representative societies in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. IPMA’s internationally acclaimed 4 Level Project Management Certification Programme continues to grow, with over 50.000 professionals having now achieved IPMA Certification. The IPMA annually presents project management awards to teams that achieve great feats in project management. IPMA maintains its continuous presence in the global PM arena through regular hosting of International Symposia, Expert Seminars and its Annual World Congress. The president of IPMA for 2007-2008 is Veikko Valila. Additional information is available at www.ipma.ch


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Winners of 2007 International Project Excellence Award Announced by IPMA

Reported by PMF correspondent Miles Shepherd in London, UK

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) has announced that the winner of IPMA’s International Project Excellence Award 2007 is the Technological Revamping Project of 150,000 t/a Acetic Acid, Jiangsu Sopo (Group) Co. Ltd., China.

Winners Jingsu Sopo Group
Co. Ltd from China with VP Awards, Otto Zieglmeier

The plant produces acetic acid with methanol and carbon monoxide as feedstock. It uses self-developed technology, which is advanced in process, produces a high quality end product, is low in consumption, and is competitive in the market. The project had stiff objectives including a 40 month schedule, 891 Million Yuan budget and a zero accident safety target. All these were achieved as well as passing the Government acceptance tests.

Second Level Prize Winners included:

Beijing Medical Insurance Information System Construction, Operation and Maintenance Project, by Capinfo Co. Ltd., China. The project’s aim was to construct and manage the Beijing Medical Insurance Information System. It included 26 agencies, more than 1200 hospitals and 300 social security offices. It successfully computerized the operation of the medical insurance of more than 6.8 million people.

Luojiaohe Hydro Power Project in Guizhou Province, by Guizhou Zhongshui Construction Project Management Co.Ltd., China. The project covered the entire process of Project Management and contract management services for the construction of a hydropower station with an installed capacity of 200 Mega Watt, adopting a new construction mode.

Interitissue Paper Mill Project, by Polimex - Mostostal S.A., Poland. The project designed, supplied and assembled the steel construction and erection of a cellulose warehouse with a conveyor building for a paper mill. The Project allowed the company to win new partners and enter new markets.

Other Finalists included the following projects and teams:

Computer-Based Education System - Sistemul Educational Informatizat (SEI) Project, by SIVECO Romania SA, Romania. The project implemented the Romanian government’s strategy in the field of ITC and computer assisted education. It focuses on digital literacy of the population through the young population, as well as ITC support for teaching/learning management activities

Award Winners on stage

Voca Payment Platform Project, by Voca Limited, United Kingdom. The project delivered a compliant inter-bank clearing system for the European market to enter this market. It was set out to replace the existing mainframe based payment platform in such a way that 100,000 connected clients would not notice it. The project delivers greater security, faster clearing cycles and faster time to market.

The members of the International Jury including among others, Mr. Otto Zieglmeier, Vice-President of IPMA and Mr. Stanislaw Sroka, President of the Project Management Polska Association, Mrs. Mary McKinlay IPMA Vice President, Mrs. Mary Koutintchewa, Chairman Award Management Board, and Mr Hans van Wieren, Award Winner 2002. Dr. Thor Möller, Board Member GPM German Project Management Association, in absence of Jury Chairman Mr. Thiagarajan Sankaralingam, Award Winner 2005 and CEO of NTPC India, performed the great ceremony and handed over the Trophies and Certificates to the winners and finalists with greetings from the IPMA President Veikko Valila and his Executive Board Team.

The awards were announced and presented in Krakow, Poland on June 18, 2007 during the 21st IPMA World Congress on project Management. More information can be found at .


Founded in 1967 and registered in Switzerland, the International Project Management Association (IPMA) is the world’s oldest project management professional organization. IPMA is an international network of national PM societies that serve the specific development needs of each country in its national language. IPMA provides an umbrella organization to represent them at the international level. IPMA is a global organization with over 40 national representative societies in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. IPMA’s internationally acclaimed 4 Level Project Management Certification Programme continues to grow, with over 50.000 professionals having now achieved IPMA Certification. The IPMA annually presents project management awards to teams that achieve great feats in project management. IPMA maintains its continuous presence in the global PM arena through regular hosting of International Symposia, Expert Seminars and its Annual World Congress. The president of IPMA for 2007-2008 is Veikko Valila. Additional information is available at www.ipma.ch

Winners of Project Excellence Award Polska 2007
Announced in Krakow

Reported by PMF correspondent Miles Shepherd in London, UK

The result of the competition for the best managed project in Poland (Project Excellence Award Polska 2007), which was awarded for the first time, was announced at the IPMA Project Excellence Awards 2007 banquet and ceremony in Krakow, Poland on June 18.

The Polish Project Excellence Awards take their place alongside several other National Excellence Awards, including that of Romania, China and India. It is anticipated that as many as 10 National Project Management Associations will be holding their own Awards next year.

E-point company won the Project Excellence Award Polska 2007 First Prize for a project covering the distribution of Amway products. Mittal Steel Poland SA won the second prize for a project regarding implementation of an SAP system, aimed to empower every aspect of the company business. The level of finalist (third place) was reached by University for Information Technology and Management from Rzeszow for the project called System Supporting Cluster Formation.

SPMP President Stanislaw Sroka
(left) presents the first Polish Project Excellence award to
E-Point Chairma

The award winning project, the Amway Online Project for Amway Europe by E-point was a multinational project concerning electronic commerce system for customer’s communication with its independent sales force. The project included the development of an IT solution from design and development to implementation and exploitation.

The second place Project was Implementation of SAP system by Mittal Steel Poland. Mittal Steel Poland is a part of ArcelorMittal which is the world's number one steel company, with 320,000 employees in more than 60 countries.

ArcelorMittal brings together the world's number one and number two steel companies, Mittal Steel and Arcelor. The main goal of the project was the implementation of SAP IT System into business management of Mittal Steel Poland in order to unify IT system with other Mittal branches in Europe and to improve business and financial processes.

The third place prize went to the “System Supporting Cluster Formation” Project by the University for Information Technology and Management. The project expedited collaboration between R&D sector and business in the south-eastern region of Poland where three branches of industry were selected: aircraft industry, IT and food processing.

The Awards Ceremony, held in the delightful Royal Palace Niepolomice, attracted a large audience which enjoyed a spectacular night of cabaret and prizes. IPMA Vice President responsible for Awards, Otto Zieglmeier said ‘Each year we have followed what is now a traditional ceremony of awards but now we have reached a situation where National Awards are making their presence felt in a big way and we will have to consider how best to showcase these events. I congratulate our colleagues from SPMP on their achievement’.

An IPMA spokesman said that as many as 10 member Associations were actively developing National Excellence Awards based on the successful IPMA model. It is possible that regional Awards may feed into the International Award some time in the not too distant future.

For more information about Project Management Association Poland, visit www.spmp.org.pl.

IPMA Announce Winners of Research Awards

Reported by PMF correspondent Miles Shepherd in London, UK

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) made its first awards for excellent project management research at its conference in Krakow, Poland. The Awards aim to promote excellent research to enhance project management. With these annual awards IPMA recognises recent excellent contributions to the development of the discipline and profession project management through professionally conducted research.

Categories included Young Researcher and Research Team and entries were judged by an international Jury appointed by IPMA’s Research Management Board.

Winner of the Young Researcher of the Year was Eva Füssinger. Her work on project orientation in her native Austria aimed to analyze and benchmark project-oriented companies. The purpose of the project is to assess the degree of project orientation of Austrian companies so that and strategies for the further development could be developed. The research project was part of an extensive international research programme conducted by the Projektmanagement Group.

Special commendations for outstanding research contribution in the Young Researcher category were made to Johanna Kirsilä and Daan Vermeer. Kirsilä of Åbo Akademi University and PBI Research Institute for Project-Based Industry, Finland was honoured for her project on “Integration as a project management concept”. The research analyzed integration as a project management concept in industrial system deliveries. Vermeer, from Eindhoven’s University of Technology, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, was honoured for his project “The effectiveness of performance requirements in 'Building Schools for the Future' projects”. His work discussed a perceived lack of clarity by private sector organisations over the definition of Best Value for Money and Long-term Partnerships in relation to the performance requirements in the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in England.

Winner of the team award were an international team lead by Manfred Saynisch. He and his team were honoured for the international, interdisciplinary research project: “Project Management 2nd” which is part of the long term research programme “Beyond Frontiers of Traditional Project Management”. The researchers directed by Manfred Saynisch have analysed and evaluated new perceptions in modern natural and social sciences such as. evolutionary and chaos theory, self-organization, synergetic, non-traditional logic, brain-research, social systems theory, constructivist epistemology and theory of complex systems to develop new insights, concepts and initial recommendations for new perspectives in Project Management.

Further awards in the team category went to Roland Gareis and his team for the long term international programme on project orientation at international level. Organized by the Projektmanagement Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria, this programme has successfully benchmarked the project-oriented nations of Austria, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and South Africa. Maturity models for analyzing project-oriented companies (“project-oriented company mature") and societies ("project-oriented society mature”) were developed and more than 180 project-oriented companies were analyzed and benchmarked. (www.poi.pmgroup.at).

Constanta Bodea and the SinPers team were honoured for the Romanian research project “Innovative System for Personalized and User-centered Learning with Application to Project Management (SinPers)” developed by the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI Bucharest), the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and the Project Management Association from Romania. The project brings new conceptual approaches and technical solutions for teaching-learning process modeling, learner modelling and learning content modelling. (www.ici.ro/sinpers/).

At the Award Ceremony, organizer Dr Martina Huemann said ‘This is our first research award and we were very pleased with the quality of the entries. This shows that research at all levels is flourishing. We are launching our award call for 2008 in the next few days and will be looking to see an even stronger entry.’

The announcement will be published on IPMA’s web site (www.ipma.ch) and awards will be announced at the 22nd World Congress to be held in Roma 9-11 November 2008.


Founded in 1967 and registered in Switzerland, the International Project Management Association (IPMA) is the world’s oldest project management professional organization. IPMA is an international network of national PM societies that serve the specific development needs of each country in its national language. IPMA provides an umbrella organization to represent them at the international level. IPMA is a global organization with over 40 national representative societies in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. IPMA’s internationally acclaimed 4 Level Project Management Certification Programme continues to grow, with over 50.000 professionals having now achieved IPMA Certification. The IPMA annually presents project management awards to teams that achieve great feats in project management. IPMA maintains its continuous presence in the global PM arena through regular hosting of International Symposia, Expert Seminars and its Annual World Congress. The president of IPMA for 2007-2008 is Veikko Valila. Additional information is available at www.ipma.ch

Keynote Speakers Announced for AIPM National Conference in Australia - Focus to be on Strategic Role of Project Management

The keynote speakers for the 2007 AIPM National Conference sponsored by the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), to be held in Hobarth, Tasmania during October 7-10, 2007 have been announced. This year six keynote speakers will include: social commentator Dr Keith Suter; Lieutenant General David Hurley, Chief Capability Development Executive; Norman Gray, Managing Director, Thales; Ian McPhee, Auditor-General for Australian National Audit Office; John Smyrk, Sigma Management Science; and Charlton Clark, Manager of the Australia-Antarctic Airlink Project

Project management can help companies embrace sustainability and best practice in project delivery in Australia and globally. How this can be achieved will be debated at the Setting the Standard AIPM 2007 conference, to be held in Hobart from 7-10 October.

According to AIPM CEO Peter Shears, the institute’s vision is that project management is recognised as the preferred process to achieve business objectives at all levels and across all industries, government and the community.

“During the past 30 years our profession has gone from strength to strength. Project management has been transformed from an accidental to a strategic profession,” Shears said. “We should celebrate our profession and our successes, and remind others that Australia has been and continues to be an international leader in project management.

“Under the banner of Setting the Standard, this year’s conference will deliver a strong and diverse program covering a wide range of topics. It will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to share ideas, review industry trends and discuss the future of project management,” Shears added.

The response to the call for papers has been overwhelming. Conference organisers have received more than 80 abstracts with a number of them to be presented by conference speakers. There will be concurrent sessions on the three main days of the conference. Themes on each day and papers to be presented include:

  • Creating a Sustainable Profession and Managing Future Growth - Y, the new project team member: a generation of understanding; Moving upmarket: new roles for old PMOs
  • Local and Global Innovation and Developmental Trends - Complex project management – greater competency needed for the increasingly globalising economies of Asia Impacts of globalisation on project management
  • Reality Bites - It’s not as if your life depended on IT. But what if it did? Why PMOs don’t work – learning from practical experiences in non-performing program management offices
  • Standards and Professionalism - Partnerships and processes: managing complexity. What we hear, we forget; what we see, we remember; what we do, we understand! A Confucian approach to educating senior executives in ICT governance and portfolio analysis

The National Project Management Achievement Awards will be announced at a gala dinner at the Hotel Grand Chancellor (pictured) in Hobart on Tuesday 9 October.

For more information on the 2007 AIPM Conference, including a detailed program refer to the AIPM web site www.aipm.com.au or contact Angela Calabrese or Jody Hammond at Write Away Communication + Events, Ph: Email: or .

The Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) represents and promotes professional project management Australia-wide. The organization also offers a recognition framework for project management and project managers in Australia. Formed over 30 years ago, AIPM has since grown to more than 5,500 individual members and 120 corporate members. This membership represents a diverse range of industries including finance, human resources, government, defense, engineering and construction. For more information, please visit www.aipm.com.au

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Imagination visits Dubai for PMI

Reported by Mounir Ajam in Dubai

Representatives from Imagination, the publishing partner of the Project Management Institute (PMI®) on PM Network (a monthly magazine about project management), were in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 5 to 9 July to interview executives about the status of Project Management in Dubai, the UAE, and the Region.

The interviews will be filmed and included on a DVD that will be distributed at the Forbes CEO Conference that is planned for Singapore in September of this year. PMI is a principal sponsor for the conference.

We were able to assist Imagination in organizing 5 interviews with executives that represent a spectrum of industries. These executives believe in promoting project management and many of them have either adopted professional project management processes or are currently implementing a PM system in their organization.

The participating executives included the Executive Director of Dubai Knowledge Village, the Director of the Outsourcing Zone, the CEO of Arab Media Group, the Regional VP for ARAMEX International, and the Director of Projects and Assets Management for the Dubai International Financial Centre.


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Three Keynote Speakers Set for 1st UTD Project Management Symposium in Texas - Discounts & Prizes Announced for Attendees

Three keynote speakers have now been announced for the upcoming 1st UTD Project Management Symposium, scheduled for 6 August 2007 in Plano, Texas. The Symposium is being co-sponsored by the Dallas Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI®) and PMForum, Inc.

According to Jim Joiner, director of UTD’s graduate program in project management, “we have three outstanding keynote speakers for this, our first major conference. Dr. Alain Bensoussan is now a professor at UTD after a long successful career in European Aerospace. As a specialist in risk management, his talk should be very interesting for project managers. In addition, we will have leaders from both PMI and IPMA speaking, one of the few times in the world where this will happen. It should be very interesting!”

Alain Bensoussan, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Professor at UTD and former Chair of the European Space Agency, will be the first keynote speaker on 6 August. Dr. Bensoussan is the Director of the International Center for Decision and Risk Ananlysis (ICDRiA) and has an extensive research background in stochastic control, probability and stochastic processes. Alain Bensoussan is also Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris Dauphine. He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in 1962, and obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris in 1969. Dr. Bensoussan is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Technology, of the Academia Europae, and the International Academy of Astronautics. He is an IEEE Fellow, and has received the Von Humboldt award as well as the NASA public service medal.

Karen Tate, PMP, Director-at-Large and member of the Board of Directors of the Project Management Institute (PMI®), will deliver the second keynote address at the 1st UTD Project Management Symposium on August 6, 2007, in Plano, Texas. Karen’s presentation will be on the topic of “Project Management as a Strategic Competency”. Karen is also President of The Griffen Tate Group, an Ohio-based project management consulting firm that provides consulting, training, facilitation and course development to both the private and public sectors, small and large organizations. Ms. Tate has been working with projects and project teams for more than 20 years.

Closing keynote speaker will be Mr. Adesh Jain, M. Eng, CPP, MPD, Managing Director of the Centre for Excellence in Project Management Ltd. (India), President of PM Guru, Inc. (USA), and Honorary President of Project Management Associates (PMA - India). Mr. Jain is the immediate past president and current Chair of the Council of Delegates of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). Adesh’s career includes 40 years of project management-oriented work, including projects and positions in US and Indian industry. He has been conferred with 7 major awards in India, including a Fellowship and the 'Gem of India' award, and the Distinguished Contribution Award from PMI® in 1997. Adesh is President of PMA, India since 1993, Vice President of IPMA from 1999 – 2004, and IPMA President during 2005. He is currently IPMA Chair through 2008

Door Prizes Announced

The Symposium Team has also announced that all attendees will be eligible to win the following door prizes: project management books, dinners, vendor gifts and more. All attendees will also receive an automatic 10% discount off the price of attending next year’s 2nd UTD Project Management Symposium.

Vendor Exhibition Planned

Suppliers of project management services, software and technology are invited to participate in the Project Management Vendor Exhibition and Showcase also being held in conjunction with the 1st UTD Project Management Symposium. The Vendor Exhibition area will include booth and table space for exhibits in a traditional setting, in two main room in the convention center. Coffee breaks and lunch will take place in the Vendor Exhibition Area. Vendor participation information can be found at http://som.utdallas.edu/project/project-symp.htm..

Time & Place to be

The 1st UTD Project Management Symposium will be held on Monday 6 August 2007, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., at the Plano Convention Center, 2000 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas, USA. Free parking is available. The 1 day symposium will feature speeches, professional presentations and discussions in the following tracks:

Track 1 – Program & Portfolio Management
Track 2 – Project Management: Critical Organization Success Factor
Track 3 – Software Development & Agile Project Management
Track 4 – PM for Product Development, including small projects
Track 5 – The Role of Project Management in Corporate Governance
Track 6 – Project Management in the Global Economy

Other Conference Features will include an Opening Ceremony with Keynote Speakers, vendor exhibition, book signings, breaks and lunch in the vendors’ exhibition area, and a closing keynote speech. Attendance fees are $150 for PMI Dallas Chapter members and UTD students until July 15, 2007. After July 15, full price of $200 per person will be charged. Registration is online prior to the event, or in person on the day of the symposium with checks. Conference registration and information can be found at
or contact

Both the PMI Dallas Chapter and the UTD’s executive education program in the school of management are registered education providers with PMI, so attendees can receive up to five Professional Development Units (PDUs) for PMP recertification.

The conference is being sponsored by the Graduate Program in Project Management in the School of Management’s Executive Education Center at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), (http://som.utdallas.edu/project/). Co-sponsors include the PMI Dallas Chapter ()
and PMForum, Inc. (www.pmforum.org).


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15th Global Project Management Symposium in New Delhi, India Announced for November 2007

Executives, program managers, project managers and project management professionals around the world are invited to New Delhi, India for the 2007 Global Project Management Symposium sponsored by Project Management Associates (PMA) and the Center for Excellence in Project Management (CEPM). With theme “Business by Projects”, the conference will be held during 12-14 November 2007 at the Hotel Ashok in New Delhi, India. This will be the 15th annual global project management symposium held in India.

Some of the anticipated topics include:

  • Measuring performance against national project excellence award models
  • IPMA 4 Level Certification (4LC) – the key to PM profession
  • NTPC – an example of project excellence
  • Attributes of complex project management
  • Handling Complexities in managing hydro projects
  • Making L&T a global brand, lessons learned
  • History of project management in Japan
  • New directions in managing projects in CPSEs
  • thinking – changing the way projects are managed
  • Certificate in Project Management (CIPM), creating a common PM vocabulary
  • Managing complexities in R&D projects
  • Project management in Chinese construction industry
  • Creativity, innovation and programme management
  • Measuring organizations PM maturity level
  • Challenges in managing large infrastructure projects
  • Emotions and rationality in managing projects

According to the conference brochure,, those who should attend include people from all disciplines such as Agriculture, Construction, Finance, Engineering, HRD, Infrastructure, IT, Manufacturing, Marketing, Planning, Projects, R&D, Operations, Software, Services, NGO’s, etc. who wish to make their companies locally & globally competitive. Others who should be interested are top management with a vision; managers ready to take on new challenges; executives who are part of high performing teams; decision makers from state/central governments & organizations with funding from multi/bilateral agencies; strategic thinkers and managers from companies with a global presence; and project managers / team members of hard core, manufacturing and soft projects.

The conference is being supported by the International Project Management Association (IPMA), the International Construction Project Management Association (ICPMA) and the International Construction Project Management Union (ICPMU). The event will be supported by PMGURUONLINE.com. For more information, visit: http://www.pma-india.org/images/GS2007.pdf.


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Inaugural Meeting of IPMA's new Project Management Mediterranean Network (MEDNET) to be in Lisbon

Executives, professionals and project management leaders are invited to participate in a meeting organised on the theme “Developing PM competences in the Mediterranean Region”, to be held during September 13th - 14th, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal.

The venue will be the Lisbon Marriott Hotel, Avenida dos Combatentes, Lisbon. There is no registration fee, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs. The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Gilles Caupin, former IPMA president and chair, who has been appointed secretary general of the MEDNET initiative.

The agenda for the meeting in Lisbon will include: project management needs identification, development proposals, Mediterranean University network, professional associations contribution, Rome 2008 congress. This meeting should be particularly relevant for people from all economic sectors, governments and universities who are interested in the development of project management in the Mediterranean Region with the resulting networking and business opportunities. All inquiries should be directed to Gilles Caupin, IPMA Mediterranean Network Secretary General, at .

IPMA previously announced the formation of a Mediterranean Network (MEDNET) dedicated to project management and focused on issues relevant to the Mediterranean Basin. MEDNET was officially created in March 2007 at the initiative of PM Associations in Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. (see breaking news article on www.pmforum.org on July 7, 2007).

MEDNET’s primary objective is to contribute to the development of the project management profession in the Mediterranean Basin through exchanges of experiences and information, creation of national associations and certification bodies, regional conferences, networking and business contacts facilitation.

Founded in 1967 and registered in Switzerland, the International Project Management Association (IPMA) is the world’s oldest project management professional organization. IPMA is an international network of national PM societies that serve the specific development needs of each country in its national language. IPMA provides an umbrella organization to represent them at the international level. IPMA offers a highly acclaimed 4 Level PM Certification Programme that has been embraced by organizations worldwide, and annually presents project management awards to teams that achieve great feats in project management. IPMA maintains its continuous presence in the global PM arena through regular International Symposia, Expert Seminars and its Annual World Congress. The president of IPMA for 2007-2008 is Mr. Veikko Valila. Additional information is available at www.ipma.ch.


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Next GAPPS Working Session on Global Project Management Standards Set of 1-3 September in Australia

The next working session of the Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards (GAPPS) will be held during 1-3 September 2007 in Queensland, Australia. To be hosted by Bond University Mirvac School of Sustainable Development, the GAPPS working session will be held in conjunction with the PMOZ Conference of 28 – 31 August 2007.

Executives of project oriented organizations and project management professionals who have an interest in contributing to global project management standards are invited to participate in this important three day workshop.

The location of the GAPPS Working Session No 12 will be the Central Teaching Building – Level 2 seminar rooms 20, 21 and 22, Bond University, Gold Coast, Robina, QLD, Australia. Attendees requiring letters of invitation from the host organisation to obtain a Visa to Australia should contact the GAPPS Secretariat immediately. Existing and new GAPPS members are welcome to participate, with early registration encouraged. Inquiries or confirmation of participation should be directed to the project Secretariat: .

The Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards (GAPPS) is an independent collaborative not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fostering mutual recognition for project and program management standards and qualifications. The organization was formed in response to the need for global portability of project management qualifications, certifications and development programs.

The GAPPS project manager standards provide a framework for assessment and development of project management skills. They also support the Millennium Development goals proposed by the United Nations addressing an identified applied skill shortage in many nations. The GAPPS standards can be adopted by organisations for the assessment, development and certification of their project managers, in their entirety or customised to support existing project management cultures, processes, tools and models. Benefits of GAPPS include its independence from proprietary project management methodologies and models, and that it can complement existing structures. All the works produced by GAPPS are developed on a volunteer basis, are publicly available for use by public and private sector organisations, and can be downloaded from the GAPPS website at www.globalpmstandards.org. To become involved, to join the next working session, or for more information, contact .

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AACE Rolls Out "Soft Launch" of the Certified Portfolio,
Program and Project Manager (C3PM) Credential

A report from the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) International’s Annual Symposium, Nashville, TN, USA

Reported by Paul Giammalvo

AACE, at their 51st Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN on July 15-18, 2007, has rolled out the Certified Portfolio, Program and Project Manager (C3PM) credential

This COMPETENCY based credential is modeled much along the lines of the North American Professional Engineer licensing process, and is based on AACE’s “Total Cost Management Framework” https://www.aacei.org/bookstore/cgi-bin/shop.cgi?CustomerID=511239862&page=4060-20.htm

The C3PM has been designed to appeal to career path portfolio (asset), program (operations) and project managers, who are involved in or responsible for the capital budgeting process, primarily from the owners perspective.

Some of the more important features of this credential-

  1. It requires at minimum, a 4 year degree in any field related to asset, operations or project management to enter the program (experience cannot be substituted in lieu of a 4 year degree)
  2. It requires a MINIMUM of 3 years DOCUMENTED work experience, validated through a logbook and signed off using 360 degree evaluations;
  3. In addition to a 4 year degree, it requires the equivalent of a Masters degree in additional educational requirements beyond the 4 year degree within not less than three, nor more than 8 years;
  4. It requires that each applicant identify one or more mentors and create a career path development plan which is signed off and becomes part of the application process. (AACE is specifically trying to meet the career path needs of the professional asset, operations or project manager and not “accidental” project managers)
  5. Credit (recognition) is given for those who already hold Masters and/or PhD’s in the field.

The C3PM credential is in the process of being ISO certified and is in the process of becoming GAPPS compliant. www.globalpmstandards.org

For those who hold the PMP, PRINCE2 or other certifications, credit is also given for those credentials, PROVIDED the person holds a 4 year degree prior to obtaining the credential or earns a 4 year degree subsequent to applying for the C3PM program.

In developing this credential, efforts were made to ensure that it reflected the needs of the global practitioner. The co-chairs of the C3PM development committee, Steve Warhoe and Paul Giammalvo, proactively solicited input from India, China, Middle East, Europe, Africa and not only North America.

C3PM development team-
Back Row- Co Chair, Steve Warhoe, PE, CCE,
Middle Row- Clive Francis, CCE, PSP, Black and Veatch; Patrick Haggerty, National Science Foundation; Catherine Cagan-Brown, MScPM; Co Chair, Paul Giammalvo, PMP, CCE, MScPM; Richard Selg, Parsons.
Front Row- Ms. Suryani, President Director, PT Mitratata Citragraha; Ms. Hani, standing in for Ms. Eli Dwiyani, PMP, World Bank

C3PM Development Team Members Missing from this photo are:
Bill Van Wagenen; Carol Lehel; Prof. Christophe Bredillet; Claudia Lopez; Catherine Miller, Jeffrey Borowicz; Dylan Wan, Deborah Lee Clark; Eli Dwiyani, Greg Sillak, J. H. Zhang; Hreinn Thormar; Jim Zack; John Hollmann; Mohammed Mageed; Agung Primaranu; Arnold Hill, U.S. Govt; Robert McCoy; Robert Marshall; Don Snowden; Charlie Bolyard

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