Volume IX - Issue VII - July 2007

Regional Reports


Trends in Argentina – Outsourcing Project Management

By Ana Maria Rodriguez


Following the growth of the economy in Argentina, the country is actually full of projects.  Important investments that were approved during the last years are now leading to the execution of large and complex projects, most of them looking for the improvement and increase of production processes in factories. The Information Technology industry is also full of projects due to the reduced costs of highly qualified professionals in the country, in comparison with costs in the northern hemisphere.  Companies are now facing an unusual growth due to favorable macroeconomic aspects, but are also being conservative regarding a sustainable growth due to the fact that Argentina faces this year elections for most important positions: president, governors, congressmen and city majors and the future investment greatly relies on election results. In the meantime, projects should be executed. 

Local companies are strong in the technical issues of projects, but are commonly aware of their project management weaknesses and are not ready to invest on restructuring their management structures now or just do not have enough time to do so since large projects are being executed now.  As a result, it is now common to outsource project management tasks. Each day more companies are offering Project Management Services in Argentina, as “the best solution for companies that desire to deliver projects on time, cost and quality”. Outsourcing could be a great opportunity to rapidly improve projects performance, if the right services are hired. However, the offer for services is broad, sometimes confusing, and if not proper for our projects, results could be frustrating. How to be sure outsourcing will improve our projects results? How to choose a PM services provider? How to know which PM tasks to outsource? How these services are usually charged in Argentina? In this article I will offer my opinion, based on my experience offering PM outsourced services.


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Ana Maria Rodriguez

Ana Maria Rodriguez
PM World Today Correspondent

Ms. Ana Maria Rodriguez is an International Correspondent for www.pmforum.org, based in Rosario, Argentina. Ms. Rodriguez manages CDS Project, a division of NETCDS, a leading IT, project and business services company in Argentina, and is an adjunct professor of project management at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. She is actively engaged in teaching and promoting project management best practices in Argentina. Ms. Rodriguez is also an active member of PMI in Argentina. Additional information about Ms. Rodriguez can be found at www.pmforum.org/pm forum team

Ms. Rodriguez can be contacted at

More information can be found about NETCDS at




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Current Developments Affecting Project Management in Nigeria

By O. Chima Okereke, PhD

Recent Economic & Political Developments

From Wednesday to Saturday, June 20th – 23rd, there was a nation-wide strike in Nigeria that grounded all activities apart from oil production, the country’s main revenue earner.

The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) embarked on the strike to compel the Nigerian Federal Government to backtrack on some of the last-minute measures taken by the former government on the eve of the handover on May 29th. In spite of the concessions made by the new government, headed by President Umaru Yar’Adua, to prevent the strike, the labour leaders pressed on with the strike. Some of the demands and the respective concessions included the following:

  1. Value Added Tax (VAT) has been reduced from 10% to 5%, the former rate;

  2. Salaries of workers have been increased by 15%;

  3. The price of fuel has been reduced from N75 to N70. However, NLC insists that it should be reduced to 65%, the price before the increase.

  4. NLC also wants the government to annul the sale of two of the country’s refineries.

The government for various reasons, which include the legal implications of any actions to nullify the sale, has not acceded to these demands. However, before this article was sent to the press, the strike was called off on Saturday, 23rd June. The two labour organizations, namely, the blue-collar Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), and the white-collar Trade Union Congress (TUC), called off their strike on Saturday after President Umaru Yar'Adua gave a commitment that there would be no further increases in the price of fuel at the pumps for a year.

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O. Chima Okereke

O. Chima Okereke, PhD
PM World Today Correspondent

Dr. O. Chima Okereke, Ph.D. is an International Correspondent for www.pmforum.org in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.   Dr. Okereke is also Managing Director of Total Technology Consultants, Ltd., based in the UK.  A registered engineer in Nigeria, Dr. Okereke has a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Lagos, and a Ph.D. and MBA from the University of Bradford.  Chima is also sponsor and president of the potential chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI®) in Port Harcourt. 

Additional information about Dr. Okereke can be found at http://www.pmforum.org/pm%20forum%20team/index.htm#5.    
Chima can be contacted at .



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Summer is Here
so Where to Go?
Why Not Come
to Dubai?

By Mounir Ajam

Temperatures are only in the 40o to 50o C (104º to 122º F) but you can still Ski; yes Ski and we mean snow skiing or snowboarding and not water skiing. Where else can you combine such heat with snow? Of course if you like to shop instead of to ski you can do that as well. What other attractions are here? You can witness the signs of awakening the giant of this small but global city and Region.

In our first article, we would like to highlight the City / Emirate that we are reporting from. In a recent article to a Regional construction magazine we highlighted “Construction cranes are everywhere, dominating the skyline. Buildings are appearing like a forest growing rapidly from our fertile grounds. Islands are emerging out of the relatively calm Gulf water and skyscrapers are reaching higher and higher into the clouds.”

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Monir Ajam

Monir Ajam
PM World Today International Correspondent

Mounir A. Ajam, MS, PMP, is an International Correspondent for www.pmforum.org in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).  He is also chief executive officer of SUKAD FZ-LLC, an Innovation Centre based in Dubai Knowledge Village and with services provided across the Middle East.Mr. Ajam is a PM expert with 20 years of experience in the engineering, construction, oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, and on both large and small projects in various locations in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, UK and USA. Mr. Ajam has an MS in Engineering & Construction Management from the University of California at Berkeley (USA) and a BS (honors) in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston (USA). He received his PMP® certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI®) in 1998 and graduated from PMI’s Leadership Institute Masters Class in 2007.  He is a past director for the PMI-Arabian Gulf Chapter and lead advocate for a new PMI chapter in the UAE. Mounir lives in Dubai and can be contacted at


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Project Management in Spain
End of June 2007

By Alfonso Bucero




The PMI Barcelona Spain Chapter was represented in an Italy local Event, celebrated in the city of Naples, and organized by the PMI South Italy Chapter by June 11th, 2007.

Alfonso Bucero delivered one hour long presentation about “How to create value through Project Management”. More than one hundred project management professionals of the South of Italy attended the event.

PMI South Italy Chapter has one hundred members and it is headed by Vincenzo Torre, PMP.

The Synergy between Mediterranean Chapters facilitates the collaboration between those PMI Chapters sharing common “speakers” and participating in other similar activities.

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Alfonso Bucero

Alfonso Bucero
PM World Today Correspondent

Mr. Alfonso Bucero, PMP, is an International Correspondent for PMForum.org in Madrid, Spain. Mr. Bucero is also founder and Managing Partner of BUCERO PM Consulting.  He previously managed the office in Spain for the International Institute for Learning (IIL) for two years, and was a Senior Project Manager at Hewlett-Packard Spain (Madrid Office) for thirteen years.  Alfonso is an active member of the Project Management Institute (PMI®), of the ALI (Asociación de Licenciados, Ingenieros y Doctores en Informática), and of the Spanish Project Management Association, AEIPRO (afíliate member asociación of the International Project Management Association, IPMA). Alfonso was the founder, sponsor and President of the PMI Barcelona, Spain Chapter until April 2005, and he is an IPMA Assessor. He belongs to the LIAG (Leadership Institute Advisory Group) of PMI.  Alfonso has a Computer Science Engineering degree from Universidad Politécnica in Madrid, and is now studying for his Ph.D. in “Project Management”. He has 28 years of practical experience and has managed and consulted on projects in different countries throughout Europe. Mr. Bucero can be contacted at .


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Airport Projects in India - Flying High!

By Raju Rao

During a recent flight from Kolkata (more well known as Calcutta) to Chennai (formerly Madras) on Air Deccan (a low cost airline in India which has reached the number 2 spot in little over 4 yrs) ,the captain apologized for the delayed departure .He explained that it was not due to a problem with the airline or the aircraft but because of heavy traffic congestion at the previous airport (Delhi) from where the flight had arrived. Flight congestion – a frequent phenomenon nowadays may not have been so a few years ago. The aviation industry is growing by leaps and bounds judging from the number of airlines coming up, many of them low cost. This growth has been fuelled by an increase in passenger traffic as a result of an improved economy, proactive government policies, innovative funding mechanisms etc. However, the infrastructure needed has not kept pace with this growth giving rise to a multitude of problems leaving harassed passengers unattended

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Raju Rao


Raju Rao
PM World Today Correspondent

Mr. Raju Rao, PMP, is an International Correspondent for PMForum.org in Chennai, India.  Mr. Rao is also principal consultant for Xtraplus Solutions, a PM consulting and training company based in Chennai.  Mr. Rao has a B.Tech degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Madras, India; a Diploma in Management from the University of Bombay; an Advanced PM certificate from Stanford University; and a certificate from IIM Calcutta. Mr. Rao has over 30 years’ experience in engineering, process and project management and has been an active member of PMI for several years. He is currently a member of PMI’s OPM3 2008 Update project, and was a team member for development of several recent PMI standards.  A founding member and vice president for the PMI Chennai Chapter, Raju is  also a member of the PMI Pharmaceutical SIG, member and Chair of the Advisory Committee for the South India chapter of AACE International, and founder of the Indian Project Management Forum. Raju Rao lives in Chennai, India and can be contactedat .




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Regional Report - Peru

By Jose Machicao

Bill Gates and Cameron Diaz visit Peru and make some projects shine

Tourism in Peru is a growing activity, as a function of Government and private investment collaboration in order to discover more attractive places and to create a more adequate infrastructure for these places to be suitable for more visitors. In Peru, additionally to exports growing, the participation of tourism on service exports moved from 50% by 2001 to 62% on 2006. This may be the reason why both Cameron Dias and Bill Gates decided to visit Cusco this month. (as reported on  www.livinginperu.com)

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Jose Machicao

Jose Machicao
PM World Today Correspondent

Jose Machicao, PMP, is an International Correspondent for PMForum.org in Lima, Peru.  Mr. Machicao is also an Organizational Project Management consultant, working in the public and private sectors in Peru. Mr. Machicao has a Masters Degree in Energy from the University of Cardiff, Wales, UK, and a Mechanical Engineering degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.  He is a member of the Colegio de Ingenieros (Peruvian Association of Professional Engineers), the World Energy Council, the Association of Energy Engineers, and the Project Management Institute (PMI®).  He is currently Education Director for the PMI GovSIG®. Additional information about Jose Machicao can be seen at http://www.pmforum.org/pm%20forum%20team/index.htm#5.  Jose Machicao can be contacted at , and http://blog.pucp.edu.pe/jcmachicao.



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“Unity through Diversity”
or the Way to a Common Language in Project Management in Romania
(A Romanian PMI Chapter and Roland Gareis Consulting Joint Approach)

By Florin Gheorghiu, PMP

On May the 31st for half a day the PM community in Bucharest City met to exchange some topics over the just ended PMI EMEA Congress in Budapest and to treat some of the alternate visions, which make the way to a common PM concept more understandable and smooth.

Some 80 invitees took seats at the Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel (shown in photo) where the host of the PMI Chapter, Mrs. Simona Bonghez and the co-presenter Mr. Roland Gareis, a reputed and renowned PM Consultant who lately opened a Consulting office in Bucharest.  They challenged the audience with some of the points of view that were intensely debated at the Congress and which are still hot topics in Romania and elsewhere.

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Florin Gheorghiu


Florin Gheorghiu
PM World Today Correspondent

Mr. Florin Gheorghiu, PMP, is an International Correspondent for www.pmforum.org in Bucharest, Romania. Mr. Gheorghiu is also a professional project manager for UTI Group, a holding company engaged in the field of large public buildings, rehabilitation projects and complex security systems.  Florin has experience working on large power plant projects financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) and the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD), and for Parsons Power (Gilbert Commonwealth), Lahmeyer International and Pennsylvania Power & Light (PP&L) as a project Consultant.  Florin is a graduate of the Technical University of Bucharest in Power Engineering and the National School for Political Studies and Administration in Management. Additional information about Mr. Gheorghiu can be found at http://www.pmforum.org/blogs/press/2006/11/pmforumorg-announces-addition-of.html  Mr. Gheorghiu can be contacted at .



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UK Project Management Round Up

By Miles Shepherd

IPMA World Congress The European Project Management scene in Europe has been dominated by the 21st IPMA World Congress in Krakow, Poland.  Project Managers from some 51 countries took part in the first IPMA Congress in Europe for 2 years.  There was a strong UK presence in Poland with most of the APM (Association for Project Management) senior management taking an active part. 

Immediate Past Chairman Tom Taylor kept a large audience at the inaugural Nation to Nation Forum engaged with his amusing and informative ‘Genetically Modified PMs’ – and was asked to repeat the performance for a wider audience.  Other past APM Chairs also took active parts in this prestigious event with APM President Martin Barnes chairing the opening and closing sessions, keynotes from Professors Peter Morris and Rodney Turner and a workshop on emerging PM trends for Young Crew by Global Advisor, Miles Shepherd.  A significant number of APM Trustees and members also took part

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Miles Shepherd

Miles Shepherd
PM World Today International Correspondent
Based in London, UK

Mr. Miles Shepherd is an International Correspondent for www.pmforum.org based near London, England, UK. Miles has over 30 years experience on a variety of projects in UK, Eastern Europe and Russia. His PM experience includes defence, major IT projects, decommissioning of nuclear reactors, rail and business projects for the EU. Past Chairman of the Association for Project Management (APM), Miles is also past president and chair of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). Additional information about Mr. Shepherd can be found at http://www.pmforum.org/pm forum team. Miles Shepherd can be reached at .



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