Volume IX - Issue VIII - August 2007

Letters to the Editor


On the Subject of Your November Editorial
"Is PM Ready for Prime Time?"

2 July, 2007



        It seems to me that PMForum could assist in making "the World of PM Ready for Prime Time" - the subject of your Nov06 editorial - by doing the following:

        Contact the appropriate editor (it probably wouldn't hurt to start with the Editor-in-Chief and ask his/her help in getting to the right person) and discuss how to get the appropriate content, maybe even select or tailor contents, to them so that they can easily stay on top of PM action and do their own follow-up as they deem worthwhile or necessary.

The magazines that I subscribe to that periodically have articles either on PM or very closely allied are:  

  • Business Week,

  • Engineering News Record,

  • Fortune, Inc,

  • Fast Company,

  • IW (Industry World),

  • Business 2.0,

  • Chemical Engineering.

         If you were to ask other advisors for their suggestions and then develop a composite list, you should markedly impact the readiness of PM for prime time.

         Using the approach that "- - - - my approaching you is the result of a suggestion from a long term subscriber to your publication who is well known (prominent?) in the PM field." should get their attention.

Eric Jenett

Houston, Texas, USA

On the Subject of the New College
of Complex Project Management

15 July, 2007


The so called College of Complex Project Management and the examples used in their so called competency standard suggest the organisation is being established as an exclusive club for a few players in the major projects arena with a particular focus on defence industries.

Both the OGC and the APM in the UK and PMI in the USA seem to have agreed that organisations have one or more Portfolios of projects and each portfolio contains a number of programs and projects. Program management focuses on the coordination of a number of related projects over time to deliver benefits to the organisation and projects are about the efficient delivery of an outcome. In particular, programs are created to deliver large and complicated programs of work by sub-dividing them into a series of manageable projects.

Given this almost unprecedented international agreement, supported by the fact that the College of Complex Project Management cannot effectively differentiate between the skills needed by program managers and complex project managers (they are virtually identical in their ‘standard), and that many of the complex projects referenced in the standard would appear to meet most peoples definition of a program one has to question the purpose of both the College and its Standard.


Patrick Weaver
Melbourne, Australia






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